Simba Corporation recently embarked on a reshuffle that lead to the appointment of Adil Popat as the new group executive chairman of the company, leaving his old role to one able Dinesh Kotecha. Prior to this Mr Popat held the position of group chief executive officer since 2007.
As he takes over the new position, he is expected to repeat his past success, as the group chief executive, that saw the company grow in both the hospitality and motor industry as a result of implementing a massive diversification strategy. The strategy aims to help the company grow its business in the region.
Prior to joining the Simba Corporation, Popat worked with Deloitte and Haskins & Sells Management Consultants. At Simba, he started off as a finance director where he achieved significant growth while providing guidance and maintaining the highest level of corporate governance before climbing the ladder from one executive position to another.
Mr. Popat takes over at a time when the company is looking to expand its presence in the automotive and hospitality around the region. The company acquired a 35% stake in Hemingways holdings limited, which adds to its hotel properties, as well as a controlling 50% stake in Mombasa based Associated Vehicle Assemblers from Marshalls East Africa. Regardless of his knowledge and expertise in the field, many people expect him to be as successful as before.
Being a holder of an MBA at the Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, with a specialist in Finance as well as a Bachelor of Arts (Business Administration) degree at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, he has the experience to take the company to higher heights.
Moving forward, a statement by Simba Corporation touching on the new reshuffle spells it out that the restructuring aims to better position the Group for the future, and will mainly evolve its growth and improve internal and external operations.