Late last year, a bill that threatened the Media’s independence and freedom was introduced in the National Assembly. The Kenya Information and Communications Bill, which was finally assented to by the President, is deemed to be one of Kenya’s most draconian enactments.
The bill recommended heavy levies for media houses and personalities, a move that the Commission for the Implementation Commission (CIC) viewed as destined to hurt press liberty.
Just as the media houses healed and nursed their wounds, Parliament introduced yet another bill that touches wholly on family law. The Marriage bill was initiated and once again, the women’s rights were subdued as the bill allows for polygamous marriages.
The family is the most basic social setup, which should be protected from any erosion
Kenya’s parliament should stop sleeping on the job, and introduce bills tailored towards development, and not ones that are a total mockery to civilization.
Ombeva, Mitto Zeus,
3rd Year Student (Bachelor of Laws)
Africa Nazarene University Chapter