Kenyan has been in focus for insecurity over the past few months. From grenade attacks to the massacre of innocent people at the coast, it has never felt more insecure. We sampled some views.
“We must re-organise our security architecture to guarantee long- term peace, stability and growth. Africa has re-awakened and people’s aspirations will only be achieved in an environment of peace. The difficult situations in Nigeria, Kenya and Somalia call for a review on socioeconomic triggers of conflicts.
Chairman of the AU Executive Council Ahmed Ould Teguedi
“Security is a concern but the Kenya government is addressing the matter. As UNEP, we have invested here for over 40 years and we will not be moving, if anything, our staff are moving here … they are unpacking their bags and not the other way round.
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) director Achim Steiner
“It is a new world. Communication and surveillance technology will go a long way in solving our problems. I am at a level where I am protecting the country’s interests. I do not have time to engage in petty quarrels, I do not know how to pretend. I tell everybody the way things are.”
Interior minister Joseph ole Lenku