BY GILBERT SAGGIA Statistics indicate that 90% of imports and exports in Africa are driven by sea. With a global middle class set to reach 5 billion people by 2030, global trade is set to continue to grow at an unprecedented rate. Reports suggest that global freighter fleet is expected to double over the next decade due to the growing consumption demands of the ever-increasing middle class. Beyond fulfilling their respective countries’ trade needs, ports act as gateways to land-locked countries such as Ethiopia and Chad, that have significant agrarian and raw materials export potential, and great need for imports…

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BY SHADRACK MUYESU African countries are increasingly taking up debt as they approach the repayment period when most capital market Eurobond loans mature. The negative effects on economic growth have been telling. In the last four years the continent’s sovereign external debt balance has risen faster than the Gross Domestic Product. On average, countries are paying out more in debt service than they are receiving in loans. Because of the sheer volume of these debts, more than half of the countries that issued sovereign bonds in the last half decade are on the verge of defaulting while the rest are…

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BY ELSIE OYOO As a client, you want a lawyer whose legal advice helps you to fulfill your dreams such as owning some property or taking your business to the next level. Lawyers can also assist you to mitigate crisis moments in emotive issues in the settlement of personal or commercial disputes. You probably know in general what you want from your lawyer. At times though, it proves difficult to identify exactly which traits you should look out for in a legal advisor. While the list below is by no means exhaustive, if you pick your lawyer based on the…

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A new paper from the International Center for Transitional Justice on police vetting in Kenya charges that the Kenyan government has failed to undertake needed reforms to root out corruption and abuses from the National Police Service and restore public trust in the police. Four years into the vetting process, the National Police Service Commission, tasked with vetting over 77,000 officers, has faced allegations of corruption and been criticized for failing to vet senior police officers implicated in graft and other crimes. “Since the police vetting process began in 2013, Kenya has witnessed continued police misconduct, suspected extrajudicial killings and a…

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BY CHRISTOPHER ROSANA & ETALE REAGAN The freedom of expression is a fundamental right encapsulated in Article 33 of the Constitution. It underscores the aspirations of Kenyans to express ideas freely including artistic creativity. Classic examples of success stories include the famous local political satirical XYZ Show. However, the freedom of expression is subject to limitations; propaganda for war, incitement to violence, hate speech, advocacy of hatred or a limitation by a statute of Parliament. Creations of the mind, though intangible, can morph into intellectual property (IP) under Articles 11 and 40 of the Constitution. A trademark (such as Safaricom,…

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BY BARNABAS ONYONKA As a rule of life, bigger is always better. It is ingrained in us and there is little we can do to change our preference for bigger things. Even toddlers will fancy bigger toys as compared to smaller ones. Likewise, in the business world bigger is always preferred. A big company is better than a small company and so is a big name as compared to a smaller one. Bigger by any metrics, in the business world, opens doors for more profits which are, actually, the most important figures in any company. Paradoxically though, when it comes…

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BY VICTOR ADAR It seems like Kenya’s aspiring entrepreneurs are affected by lack of innovative business ideas, mentoring services as well as access to seed capital. Of course, there has been a wave of early stage entrepreneurs not being able to overcome such barriers and grow. It is in that predicament that Sinapis, an organization that empowers aspiring entrepreneurs, saw a gap and started providing a rigorous business education, world class consulting and mentoring services to the tiny lot. Sinapis is looking to the practical side of business and teaches integration of faith and business. And with the backing of the…

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BY David onjili They are the two main manufacturers of aeroplanes world over and theirs is a rivalry that is not just steeped in profit but pride. Their duopoly has made other aeroplane manufacturers become almost insignificant. Airbus has hers as a European consortium and Boeing was able to merge with Mc Donnell Douglas to exert its dominance not just in America but the world over. The Americans view Boeing as their statement of aviation dominance and the Europeans seek to break this by their product; the Airbus. You have to witness the launch of their planes to understand what…

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BY GORDON MUTUGI What happens when Government, whose core function in business is development of broader social-political climate that enables businesses to thrive, becomes an active business entity? With the high demand of resources needed to run a profit making businesses, Commercial Government agencies usually grapple under the weight of inefficiencies, lack of innovative policies and risk of broader political climate influence.  As the country’s core economic force, the private sector is therefore a key ally in Government for business partnerships. Since the introduction of the Kenya privatization programme in 2005 Government has been in search of successful partnerships especially…

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Tourism is a catalyst for economic growth in Africa – a key theme during the UN World Cities Day celebrated last month around the world. The sector is especially important now when governments are seeking out ways to drive diversification as part of their growth strategies. African cities need to find efficient ways to develop into smart cities capable to not only attract visitors, but also to offer unique experiences and overcoming growing infrastructure demands. The Mastercard Global Destinations Cities Index (GDCI) provides insight into the motivations and travel spend of visitors – a prime driver for development in the…

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