Author: Subscriptions

Investments are often concentrated among assets, products and services with a steady flow of income and a good return on investment. Major developers and players in real estate have often centralized their efforts among middle and high-income households. And, with the government taking a back seat in the past, the demand for housing among the masses is currently high.

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Success of a Private Equity (PE) fund model is based mainly on the fund managers’ ability to spot and acquire businesses that provide real solutions to society’s ‘felt needs’ and problems.  Where a particular company has developed superior solutions to these needs and has demonstrated a track record of consistently solving them, the company becomes a desirable target for the fund. 

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BY ALEX OWITI Kenya is grappling with issues of debt, high cost of living, unemployment, low exports due to low production as well as high taxes. Kenyans would like to hear the tactics that the debaters will use to resolve such problems, not personalised attacks. In a few weeks, Kenyans will be making the most important decision of electing the leaders they want through a ballot system. This will be the first election that will see youths born when the late Mwai Kibaki got into power in 2002, vote for the first time. They were born when Kibaki took over…

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