The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has, as part of its wider mandate in prevention of corruption through public education and awareness creation, tapped into the civil society groups for support in the collective action against corruption in the counties.
The anti-corruption watchdog, through its department of Education and Public Awareness in collaboration with the Lower Eastern Regional Office, took the push for the critical mass to drive the anti-corruption and accountability agenda at the grassroots level to Kitui County on June 8, 2023 where they sensitized representatives of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs.
EACC took participants drawn from sub-counties of the county through the various social audit tools in effectively oversighting county administrative activities. They were also made to understand and appreciate the work of the Commission, more so the avenues for collaboration.

On their part, the participants called for enhanced social responsibility, and accountability and transparency from those in positions of trust. They also promised continuous advocacy for good governance as a foundation for social justice.
Going forward, representatives of the CSOs put down activities and programmes they will carry out including the formation of anti-corruption monitors, dissemination and sharing of information and enhanced reporting of corruption in the sub-counties.
Some of the groups represented were Uraia, Maendelo ya Wanawake Organisations (MYWO), NGO Council, Paralegal Society of Kenya, the Rural Girl Development Project, Kamba Council of Elders, Kitui Women for Peace among others.