Companies and individuals are being impacted on a financial level because of the deadly coronavirus. The manufacturing industry is not spared from the obvious challenges brought on by the pandemic. So how are businesses reacting?
At this time of crisis, the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) has appointed Mucai Kunyiha as the new chairperson with hopes that things will change, given adaptability and resilience in SMEs. He will be taking over from Sachen Gudka, whose term ended after holding the position from July 2018.
Mr Kunyiha brings a vast wealth of experience to the manufacturers’ lobby in terms of business, strategy and leadership. This experience is from different sectors such as trading, real estate and agriculture. He also has some insider knowledge having served as the vice chairman of the association’s board for the past two years.
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The new chairman plays the role of managing director at Kzanaka Ltd, a company with investments in the agriculture and real estate sectors in East Africa. He is on the driving seat of a company whose investments include Cooper K-Brands Ltd, an animal health company in East and Central Africa, Analabs Ltd, Hewton Limited, Mashiara Park and Qaribu Inn.
In addition, he serves as the chairman of Kenya Property Developer’s Association. Prior to this, he has served as the non-executive director at Acorn Group Holdings, a real estate company, for eight years as well as being part of the Vision Delivery Secretariat Board, the leadership team in charge of the implementation of Kenya’s vision 2030.
Mr Mucai is also an advocate of the High Court of Kenya with an LLB honours from the University of Wales. And holds an MBA from Ashridge, UK. As if that is not enough, he has in the past been instrumental in leading the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) sub-sector in its quest for eco-friendly use and recycling of plastics in the country.
Coming in at a time when retailers and hospitality sectors are the most hit, time will be the judge whether or not he will succeed in steering the company to higher heights.