Author: Info

The major unanswered questions about democratisation plateau have been and continue to be what accounts for its clear emergence and what can be done about it.

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Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) board has embarked on the process of replacing former director general Ezra Chiloba who resigned last month (October) following his suspension and subsequent resignation on accusations of mismanaging the staff mortgage scheme. The Authority, in an advertisement in the local dailies, said that it was in the process of looking for a suitable candidate for the position of director general and chief executive officer following the exit of Chiloba who left the organization after he was accused of mismanaging the staff mortgage scheme. In the advertisement, CA chairperson Mary Wambui Mungai, says that the Authority…

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Isuzu East Africa and Bamburi Cement have joined forces to uplift women in the trucking industry. Dubbed “Women on Wheels”, the program aims at fostering driving expertise, expanding job opportunities, and fortifying road safety. In her address at a recent Isuzu Drivers Academy’s fifth graduation ceremony, Rita Kavashe, the managing director of Isuzu EA, highlighted the advantage of skills, and why the ripples of their collaboration extend beyond certification, and signifies a firm step towards gender equality, industry advancement, and the creation of a safer, more inclusive road environment. “Today marks a positive step forward for the Isuzu EA fraternity…

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BY SILAS APOLLO The financial support will help the health facility improve access to oncology healthcare for the lower and middle-income families in Nairobi Ruai Family Hospital (RHF) has secured funding from Norsad Capital, an impact investor and private creditor provider, in an effort to improve access to affordable oncology healthcare for lower and middle-income families in Nairobi. Cancer currently ranks as the third highest cause of death and the second most prevalent noncommunicable disease following cardiovascular diseases in Kenya. The country also faces enormous healthcare challenges, specifically in populated areas of Nairobi where there are limited or no full-service…

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